The popular anime series "Fairy Tail" has recently announced new cast members for its spinoff series "Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest."
The new cast members include:
3. Skullion Raider - Voiced by Kensho Ono: Skullion Raider is a member of the Red Dragon clan and has the ability to manipulate fire. He is a hot-headed and impulsive character who tends to act before thinking.
1. Kyoka - Voiced by Haruka Tomatsu: Kyoka is an S-class mage who specializes in torture magic. She is a member of the Oracion Seis, a dark guild that was defeated by Fairy Tail in the past.
2. Madmole - Voiced by Taku Yashiro: Madmole is a member of the Water God Dragon clan and has the ability to manipulate water. He is known for his arrogance and is often seen taunting his opponents.
These new cast members are expected to bring new challenges and excitement to the series as Fairy Tail embarks on its latest quest. Fans of the series are eagerly anticipating how these new characters will interact with the current cast and what epic battles may ensue.
Overall, this news has generated a lot of buzz among anime fans and is a testament to the continued popularity of the Fairy Tail franchise.
Image credits: A-1 Pictures